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With effect from 1 August 2024, the Safe@Dorm eService will be discontinued. If you would like to download a copy of your residents’ nominal roll on Safe@Dorm, please do so before 1 August 2024.

With its discontinuation, Dormitory Operators must find alternative solutions to maintain your residents’ nominal roll before 1 August 2024. This is a requirement under the Foreign Employees Dormitory Act (FEDA)Dormitory Operators should ensure that the nominal roll is updated and accessible at all times, to be submitted to MOM upon request.

If you are a Class 4 Dormitory Operator or are already using the Foreign Worker Tenants Application Programming Interface (API), you should continue to do so in order to submit changes in your nominal roll to MOM.

Should you need any assistance, you may contact the Dormitory Association Singapore Limited (DASL):

Who can use Safe@Dorm?Show

You can access Safe@Dorm if you are a Dormitory Operator.

What do I need before I can use Safe@Dorm?Show

You need a Corppass to log in. Apply for a Corppass if you don’t have one.

Your Corppass administrator’s duties

Your Corppass administrator or sub-administrator should follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Corppass.
  2. Go to the eService Access tab.
  3. Choose MOM ACE Digital Services Corppass as one of your company’s eServices.
  4. Assign MOM ACE Digital Services Corppass to your Corppass account.

Refer to section 7 of Safe@Dorm user guide for more details.

If you do not have “MOM ACE Digital Services Corppass” assigned to your Corppass account, you will get an error message showing “Unauthorised access” on Safe@Dorm.

What are the functions available on Safe@Dorm eService?Show

Dormitory Operators can:

  • Check-in or check-out residents
    • Add new residents or change current residents’ rooms details
    • Remove residents who are no longer staying in the dormitory
  • Download list of residents (nominal roll)
    • Download a list of residents staying in the dormitory
    • Use the list to check their nominal roll
  • Download and view AccessCode status
    • Download a list of residents’ AccessCode status
  • Set up dormitory room and generate room QR code
    • For Dormitory Operator to generate QR codes so that residents can scan using their FWMOMCare app 

Why can't I find my dormitory after logging into Safe@Dorm?Show

Dormitories that fall under the following licence classes can use Safe@Dorm to manage their Nominal Roll.

  • Class 1 (7 to 99 beds)
  • Class 2 (100 to 299 beds)
  • Class 3 (300 to 999 beds)
  • Class 4 (above 999 beds) – Only to download AccessCode and to generate Rooms QR Code.

Class 4 (1,000 beds or more) dormitories should use Tenant Management Systems (TMS) to manage their Nominal Roll.

For Class 1 to Class 3 dormitories using your TMS, you do not need to use Safe@Dorm eService if you have successfully linked your TMS system with MOM.

Before using TMS, you are required to check-out all the residents’ FIN from Safe@Dorm eService system.

If you do not see your dormitory address in the dropdown list on Safe@Dorm, please write to us with the following details:
  • Company's UEN
  • Dorm ID
  • Full dormitory address (with postal code if applicable)
    • Dormitory Type 
    • Purpose-Built Dormitory (PBD)
    • Factory-Converted Dormitory (FCD)
    • Construction Temporary Quarter (CTQ) - i.e. MK Lot No.
    • Temporary Occupation Licence Quarter (TOLQ) - i.e. MK Lot No.
  • Dormitory Licence Class
    • Class 1
    • Class 2
    • Class 3
    • Class 4

Is there a need for me to generate QR code?Show

No. With effect from 13 February 2023, there are no requirement to scan QR code in dormitory rooms as part of COVID-19 step down measures.

What is the difference between ‘Created date’ and ‘Check-in date’ in the downloaded Nominal Roll?Show

Created date Date where resident’s FIN was first registered into Safe@Dorm
Check-in date Date where any changes was made to the record belonging to the registered resident’s FIN

I see error messages when performing “Check-in Residents”. What should I do?Show

Possible scenarios:

  • FIN exists in other UEN/Dormitory/Site

    The resident's FIN you are trying to check-in has been registered under another dormitory. You cannot register/check-in this resident to your dormitory until the resident’s FIN has been checked-out by the previous dormitory.

    If you are unable to contact the previous Dormitory Operator, please write in to us.
  • FIN exists in Dormitory/Site/Block/Floor/Unit

    The resident’s FIN you are trying to check-in has already been registered to your dormitory, with the same room details. You should only check-in the resident again if there is a change in his room details.

    Ensure that the correct FIN has been input in the Check-in template.

I see error messages when performing “Check-out Residents”. What should I do?Show

Possible scenarios:
  • FIN does not exist in UEN/Dormitory/Site (1) or (2)

    The resident's FIN you are trying to check-out is not registered to your dormitory. You do not need to check-out this resident's FIN.

    Ensure that the correct FIN has been input in the Check-out template.
  • FIN does not exist in Dormitory/Site (1) or (2)
    • The resident's FIN has been registered to your UEN but it is tagged to a different dormitory/site.
    • The resident's FIN has already checked out from the dormitory/site. You do not need to check out this FIN again.

    Ensure that the correct FIN has been input in the Check-out template.

I see error messages when uploading the “Check-in Residents” or “Check-out Residents” template? What should I do?Show

Possible scenarios:

  • Invalid FIN/Block/Floor/Unit

    You did not key in the FIN, Block, Floor, Unit address of the residents in the correct format. Follow the guideline on the excel template while filling in the details.
  • Invalid template. Please upload using the correct template.

    You did not use the correct template or save the template in the correct format.

    You can download the correct template from Safe@Dorm again.

    Ensure that your templates are saved in Excel workbook (*.xlsx) before you upload onto Safe@Dorm.

Why are workers who don't stay at my dormitory showing up in my list?Show

To ensure accuracy of the Nominal Roll, residents who have left the dormitory must be check-out from Safe@Dorm to avoid appearing in your list. 

What steps should I take if my dormitory is going to close down?Show

You should:

  1. Check-out all the resident's FIN from Safe@Dorm or TMS
  2. Inform Forward Assurance and Support Teams (FAST) officers
  3. Inform us on the closure of your dormitory by emailing or send us an Online feedback.

These are the supported browsers.

We recommend Microsoft Edge for best user experience.

Get helpShow

Refer to the user guide for more details.

For general enquiries, approach your FAST officers or contact MOM at: