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How are PMETs counted under the Diversity (C3) and Support for Local Employment (C4) criteria for COMPASS?

  • The fixed monthly salary for PMET count under C3 and C4 is aligned to the S Pass minimum qualifying salary.
  • From 1 September 2024, this amount will be increased from $3,000 to $3,150. This is in line with the increase in S Pass minimum qualifying salary. Find out how this will affect you.
If your employees are They are counted as PMETs if they

Earn at least $3,000 in fixed monthly salary, as declared in their work pass application.

Note: The PMET count for foreign employees excludes: 


(Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents (PRs) your organisation contributes CPF for)

Earn at least $3,000 per month, based on the CPF Ordinary and Additional wages declared for CPF contributions.
  • PRs are considered as foreigners based on their nationality under C3 (diversity) but are counted as locals under C4 (local PMET share).