Employment Act
Learn about the Employment Act, who it covers and Workright.
Platform Workers Act
Find out who the Platform Workers Act covers, the protections it provides for platform workers, and the responsibilities it places on platform operators and platform workers.
Managing employment disputes at the Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management (TADM)
Services offered by TADM for employees and employers to file salary and dismissal related claims and employment disputes.
Eligibility and entitlements for leave, including maternity leave, childcare leave, annual leave and sick leave.
Public holidays
View Singapore's public holidays for 2023, 2024 and 2025.
Workplace grievances
What to do if you feel victimised at work. Guidelines for employers for handling workplace grievances.
Contract of service
What to include in contract of service and KETs, and use KETs verification tool to check compliance with Employment Act.
Employment records
Requirements for maintaining employment records for employees.
Young persons and children
Guidelines for hiring children and young persons, including suitable work and working hours.
Hours of work, overtime and rest day
Hours of work, breaks, overtime pay and rest day under the Employment Act.
Part-time employment
Entitlements for part-time employees in accordance with the Employment Act, including overtime, rest days, public holidays and leave.
Public holidays: entitlement and pay
Gazetted public holidays, holiday pay, pay for working on public holidays and time off in lieu.
Responsible re-employment
Eligibility for re-employment, negotiating a re-employment contract and handling disputes.
Minimum retirement age and rights, appeal against unfair dismissal.
Cost-saving measures and retrenchment
Consider cost-saving measures to manage excess manpower.
Salary payments, allowable salary deductions, calculating salary and variable wage components.
Termination of employment
Termination with or without notice, termination due to misconduct, appealing an unfair dismissal.
Transfer of employment
Your rights during a transfer, obligations of your existing and new employers, and handling disputes.
Progressive Wage Model
Wage structure which helps increase wages of workers through upgrading skills and improving productivity.
Central Provident Fund
Find out about CPF, who is entitled to CPF contributions and employers' obligations.
Uplifting our lower-wage workers
Support measures for our lower-wage workers, through Progressive Wages, Workfare, Workcare and Workright.
Silver Support Scheme
Provides additional support for seniors who had low incomes during their working years and now have less in their retirement.
Schemes for employers and employees
Funding and support for employers and employees. Includes Workfare and portable medical benefits.
HR Industry Transformation Plan
Roadmap to strengthen the HR profession and HR services in Singapore.
HR Industry Transformation Advisory Panel
Provides recommendations to build strong HR industry.
Human Capital Partnership Programme
Supports progressive employers who invest in human capital development.
Fair Consideration Framework
Requirements for all employers to consider workforce in Singapore fairly for job opportunities.
Flexible work schedule
For exemption from Employment Act requirements on overtime, rest day and public holiday pay.
Good work practices
Include strategies for work-life harmony, flexible work arrangements, fair employment and best sourcing.
What you can do to prepare against terrorism and build a resilient and cohesive workforce.
Skills, training and development
Continuing education and training, skills in demand and human resource programmes.
Trade unions
About trade unions in Singapore, trade union resources and the trade union directory.
Tripartism in Singapore
Learn about the tripartite partners, tripartite committees and initiatives and tripartite guidelines.
Singapore's involvement in the ILO, including conventions ratified and the ILO-MOM Partnership Agreement.
Case studies and resources
Find guides and resources, including case studies on flexible work arrangements.
Employers convicted under Employment Act
List of employers convicted for offences under the Employment Act.
Employment practices
Find out about employment rights and conditions under the Employment Act, leave, public holidays, fair employment, managing employment disputes and salary related claims for employers and employees.