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Popular eServices

Appeal for a rejected EntrePass/Personalised Employment Pass (or a related Dependant's Pass/Long-Term Visit Pass) or a Work Holiday Pass

Estimated time to complete: 5 mins

Persons or EAs can appeal for the rejected pass types below:

  • EntrePass
  • Personalised Employment Pass
  • Work Holiday Pass
  • Dependant's Pass/Long-Term Visit Pass that is tied to an EntrePass/Personalised Employment Pass

Appeal to refund overstaying fines (For business employers or employment agents)

Estimated time to complete: 5 mins

Business employers or EAs can appeal to refund overstaying fines for their pass holders.

Make, change or cancel appointment

Estimated time to complete: 10 – 20 mins

Persons or organisations can make an appointment for services available at MOM Services Centre (MOMSC) or the Employment Pass Services Centre (EPSC). You can also view, change or cancel your appointment.


Check work pass and application status

Estimated time to complete: 1 – 5 mins

Employers can check the status of a work pass application or the validity of a work pass. Work Permit holders can also check their salary information. No log in is required.


Create Non-notifiable Workplace Record and Workplace Number

Estimated time to complete: 10 – 20 mins

Persons and organisations can create non-notifiable workplace record for medical examinations, if there is no existing workplace number. Note: We have enhanced our eService to create non-notifiable workplace record. With the streamlined process flow, we hope to improve your user experience for the online transaction.

Manage Employment Pass eService and Work Permit Online account

Estimated time to complete: 10 mins

Business employers or employment agencies (EAs) can appoint a new administrator if their organisation has no active administrator or add a new administrator if their earlier request was rejected on myMOM Portal or Work Permit (WP) Online.

Register and manage WSH professional and competent person certificate

Estimated time to complete: 10 – 20 mins

Workplace safety and health (WSH) professionals can use the WSH Professional Registration service to apply for and manage their registration. WSH Officers can also use this to submit SDUs.


Request for more time to get the pass issued/renewed or send pass holder home

Estimated time to complete: 5 mins

Persons or organisations can request for more time to get the pass issued, renewed, or send their pass holder home.

Submit proof that your work pass holder is undergoing tuberculosis treatment

Estimated time to complete: 5 mins

Persons or organisations can submit proof that their work pass holder is undergoing tuberculosis treatment.

Work permit transactions for domestic helpers and confinement nannies

Estimated time to complete: 1 – 10 mins

Employers or employment agencies can perform Work Permit transactions for helpers and confinement nannies (e.g. apply, issue, renew, extend, cancel or reinstate a Work Permit). Existing sponsors can also use this eService to perform transactions for helpers on behalf of employers.
