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What can I do in OFWAS?Show

If you employ Work Permit holders, you must update their residential addresses:

  • Before issuance or renewal of their Work Permit.
  • Within 5 days of any change in their residential addresses.

Read the user manual on how to use OFWAS.

Can I use OFWAS?Show

You can use OFWAS if you’re any of the following:

  • Employer’s of non-domestic Work Permit holders
  • Employment agencies authorised to transact on behalf of the employer

Note: You must also have a valid Work Permit Online (WPOL) account.

What do I need before I use OFWAS?Show

You need the following ready before logging in to OFWAS:

  • Corppass. Apply for Corppass account if you don’t have one.
  • Your Corppass admin or sub-admin must assign your Corppass account:
    1. Log in to Corppass.
    2. Go to the eService Access tab.
    3. Choose Foreign Employee Compliance eServices as one of your company’s eServices.
    4. Assign Foreign Employee Compliance eServices to your Corppass account.
  • Company CPF Submission Number (for employment agencies)
  • Work Permit holder’s residential address
  • Email address
  • Contact number

I already have Corppass account. How do I check if I can access OFWAS?Show

  1. Log in to your Corppass account.
  2. Go to Assigned eServices tab. You should see Foreign Employee Compliance eServices listed as one of your assigned eServices.

If Foreign Manpower eServices is not listed as one of your assigned eServices, please ask your Corppass admin or sub-admin to assign the eService to you.

Get helpShow

Read the user manual if you are not sure how to use OFWAS.

For general enquiries, contact MOM at: