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List of passes for pass category
Pass typeWho is it for

Employment Pass

For foreign professionals, managers and executives. Candidates need to earn at least $5,000 a month and pass the Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS).


For foreign entrepreneurs who are keen to start and operate a business in Singapore that is venture-backed or possesses innovative technologies.

Personalised Employment Pass

For high-earning existing Employment Pass holders or overseas foreign professionals. The PEP offers greater flexibility than an Employment Pass.

Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass

For top talent in business, arts and culture, sports, as well as academia and research.

Skilled and semi-skilled workers

List of passes for pass category
Pass typeWho is it for

S Pass

For skilled workers. Candidates need to earn at least $3,150 a month.

Work Permit for migrant worker

For skilled and semi-skilled migrant workers in the construction, manufacturing, marine shipyard, process or services sector.

Work Permit for migrant domestic worker

For migrant domestic workers (MDWs) to work in Singapore.

Work Permit for confinement nanny

For Malaysian confinement nannies to work in Singapore for up to 16 weeks starting from the birth of the employer's child.

Work Permit for performing artiste

For foreign performers working in public entertainment outlets such as bars, hotels and nightclubs.

Trainees and students

List of passes for pass category
Pass typeWho is it for

Training Employment Pass

For foreign professionals undergoing practical training. Candidates must earn at least $3,000 a month.

Work Holiday Pass (under Work Holiday Programme)

For students and graduates aged 18 to 25 who want to work and holiday in Singapore for 6 months.

Work Holiday Pass (under Work and Holiday Visa Programmes)

For Australian and New Zealander students and graduates aged 18 to 30 who want to work and holiday in Singapore for 12 months.

Training Work Permit

For semi-skilled foreign trainees or students undergoing practical training in Singapore for up to 6 months.

Family members

List of passes for pass category
Pass typeWho is it for

Dependant's Pass

For spouses and children of eligible Employment Pass or S Pass holders.

Long-Term Visit Pass

For parents, common-law spouses, step-children or handicapped children of eligible Employment Pass or S Pass holders.

Pre-approved Letter of Consent

For eligible spouses or children of Singapore citizens or PRs holding an LTVP/LTVP+ issued by ICA. The holder is pre-approved to work in Singapore. They can only apply for a PLOC when applying for, or renewing the LTVP/LTVP+.

Letter of Consent for ICA-issued LTVP/LTVP+ holders

For eligible spouses or children of Singapore citizens or PRs holding an LTVP/LTVP+ issued by ICA. The LOC allows the holder to work in Singapore. The employer must apply for the LOC.

Letter of Consent for Dependant’s Pass holders who are business owners

For eligible Dependant’s Pass holders who wish to operate a business.

Exemptions and working while on a visit pass

List of passes for pass category
Pass typeWho is it for

Miscellaneous Work Pass

For foreign speakers, religious workers and journalists taking on a short-term work assignment of up to 60 days in Singapore.

Work Pass Exempt Activities

For performing eligible short-term activities without a work pass. Candidates must still notify MOM of their activities.

Work pass exemption for foreign students

For foreign students studying full-time at an approved school or institution in Singapore.

Work passes for holders of Long-Term Visit Passes issued by ICA

For foreigners married to a Singaporean or permanent resident, or parents accompanying a child who is studying in Singapore.