Key facts
Overview and key facts about the pass, including who it is for, validity and pass map.
Consider all candidates fairly
You must advertise on MyCareersFuture and consider all candidates fairly before you apply for an Employment Pass.
Includes EP qualifying salary (Stage 1), COMPASS (Stage 2) and the Self-Assessment Tool.
Passes for family
Eligibility, which family members you can bring in and the passes available.
Documents required
Documents required to apply for an Employment Pass.
Apply for a pass
Includes how to apply for a pass and check the application status.
Appeal against a rejected application
When you should appeal, who can appeal and how to submit an appeal.
Renew a pass
When and how to renew an Employment Pass before it expires.
Cancel a pass
When and how to cancel an Employment Pass.
Replace a pass card
How to replace a lost, damaged or stolen Employment Pass card.
Notify MOM of updates
When and how to notify MOM, including updating company name and address, occupation, passport details, salary and residential address.
Taking up secondary directorship
When and how to appoint a pass holder to your Board of Directors.
List of standard occupations for Employment Pass
Standard occupations for filling out the manual Employment Pass application form.
Experienced tech professionals with skills in shortage
From September 2023, experienced tech professionals with skills in shortage may apply for a longer 5-year duration EP.
Employment Pass
The Employment Pass allows foreign professionals, managers and executives to work in Singapore. Candidates need to earn at least $5,000 a month. Employers must also demonstrate that they have fairly considered all jobseekers.