Key facts
Overview and key facts about the Work Permit, including who it is for, validity and pass map.
Sector-specific rules
General Work Permit and sector requirements, including eligibility, security bond, quota, levy
Foreign worker quota and levy
Foreign worker levy and quota requirements, how to pay levy, skilled worker levy and levy waiver.
Apply for Work Permit
Includes how to check the application status, and get the Work Permit issued.
Renew a Work Permit
When and how to renew a Work Permit and steps to take before renewal.
Appeal for renewal
How to submit an appeal if your worker is not eligible for Work Permit renewal.
Cancel a Work Permit
When and how to cancel a Work Permit.
Replace a card
How to replace a lost, damaged or stolen card.
Notify MOM of updates
When to notify MOM, including updates to company name and address, occupation, passport details and residential address.
Get a short Work Permit extension
How to get your worker's Work Permit extended for a short period.
Overseas leave
Overseas leave for migrant workers, including home leave, levy waiver and what to do if they don't return.
Housing requirements for foreign workers, types of approved housing, updating foreign worker’s address to MOM.
Recreation, well-being and other resources
Find recreation centres, publications and resources for migrant workers working in Singapore.
Work Permit for migrant worker
Looking instead for migrant domestic worker?
The Work Permit allows semi-skilled migrant workers from approved source countries/regions to work in certain sectors. Find out your sector’s requirements, foreign worker levy and quota, and how to apply.