- About us
- MOM's vision, mission and values
- Divisions and statutory boards
- Communications and Engagement Department
- Corporate Planning and Management Department
- Customer Responsiveness Department
- Economics Department
- Foreign Manpower Management Division
- Human Resource Department
- Income Security Policy Division
- Information Systems and Technology Department
- Joint Operations Division
- Labour Relations and Workplaces Division
- Legal Services Division
- Manpower Planning and Policy Division
- Manpower Research and Statistics Department
- Occupational Safety and Health Division
- Work Pass Division
- Workplace Policy and Strategy Division
- MOM statutory boards
- MOM logo
- MOM accolades
- COS2025
- COS2024
- COS2023
- Ministry of Manpower COS highlights 2022
- Ministry of Manpower COS highlights 2021
- MOM announcements in 2021 Budget Statement
- Committee of Supply highlights 2020
- MOM announcements in 2020 Budget Statement
- Committee of Supply highlights 2019
- Budget highlights 2019
- Our service commitment
- Useful links
- Stay connected
- Primary Care Plan (PCP)
- Vaccination requirements as a condition for MOM passes
- supportedbrowsers
- Contact us
- Employment practices
- About the Employment Act
- Platform Workers Act
- Platform Workers Act: what it covers
- Platform workers
- Platform operators
- Work Injury Compensation for Platform Workers
- CPF contributions for platform workers
- Platform worker records and earning slips
- Mandatory notification of platform operators
- Representation through platform work associations
- Industrial relations
- Managing employment disputes at the TADM
- Leave
- Public holidays
- Workplace grievances
- Contract of service
- Employment records
- Employing young persons and children
- Hours of work, overtime and rest days
- Part-time employment
- Public holidays: entitlement and pay
- Responsible re-employment
- Retirement
- Cost-saving measures and retrenchment
- Salary
- Paying salary
- Itemised pay slips
- Allowable salary deductions
- Monthly and daily salary: definitions and calculation
- Variable wage components: AWS, bonus, variable pay
- Calculate pay for an incomplete month of work
- Calculate public holiday pay
- Calculate overtime pay for a monthly-rated employee
- Calculate pay for work on a rest day
- Termination of employment
- Transfer of employment
- Progressive Wage Model
- What is the Progressive Wage Model
- Expansion of Progressive Wage approach and coverage
- Progressive Wage Model for the cleaning sector
- Progressive Wage Model for the security sector
- Progressive Wage Model for the landscape sector
- Progressive Wage Model for the lift and escalator sector
- Progressive Wage Model for the retail sector
- Progressive Wage Model for the food services sector
- Occupational PWs for administrators and drivers
- Progressive Wage Model for the waste management sector
- PW Mark
- Local Qualifying Salary
- eServices and forms
- Central Provident Fund (CPF)
- Uplifting our lower-wage workers
- Silver Support Scheme
- Schemes for employers and employees
- HR Industry Transformation Plan
- HR Industry Transformation Advisory Panel
- Human Capital Partnership (HCP) Programme
- Fair Consideration Framework (FCF)
- Flexible work schedule
- Good workplace practices
- SGSecure@Workplaces
- Overview of SGSecure@Workplaces
- SGSecure@Workplaces events
- SGSecure educational info and guides
- SGSecure Sector Guides
- Featured stories on SGSecure@Workplaces
- Singapore Hotel Association – There is always room for security
- The Star Performing Arts Centre - Safety makes business sense
- On Cheong Jewellery - Security is everyone’s business
- Frasers Property Singapore - Building on safety and security
- Shalom Movers - Staying vigilant on the move
- Grand Park Orchard - Being committed to stakeholders
- Gardens by the Bay - Take Ownership of Security
- eServices and forms
- Skills, training and development
- Trade unions
- Tripartism in Singapore
- What is tripartism
- Tripartite set-ups and initiatives
- List of tripartite guidelines and advisories
- Tripartite advisory on mental health and well-being at workplaces
- Advisory on Business Continuity Plan
- Tripartite advisory on ensuring safe operations of lifts and escalators, and sustainability of the industry in view of COVID-19
- Tripartite advisory on ensuring sustainability of the landscape sector in view of COVID-19
- Tripartite advisory on ensuring sustainability of the strata management and facility management sectors in view of COVID-19
- Tripartite advisory on ensuring sustainability of the cleaning sector in view of COVID-19
- Tripartite advisory on ensuring sustainability of the security sector in view of COVID-19
- Tripartite advisory on ensuring sustainability of the waste management sector in view of COVID-19
- Tripartite Standards
- International Labour Organisation and MOM
- Case studies and resources
- Employers convicted under the Employment Act
- Employment practices eServices and forms
- Work passes
- Employment Pass
- Key facts
- Consider all candidates fairly before you apply for an Employment Pass
- Eligibility
- Passes for family
- Documents required
- Apply for a pass
- Appeal against a rejected application
- Renew a pass
- Cancel a pass
- Replace a pass card
- Notify MOM of updates
- Taking up secondary directorship
- eServices and forms
- List of standard occupations
- Experienced tech professionals with skills in shortage
- EntrePass
- Personalised Employment Pass
- Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass
- S Pass
- Upcoming changes to S Pass eligibility
- Key facts
- Consider all candidates fairly before you apply for an S Pass
- Eligibility
- Quota and levy
- Medical insurance
- Paying salaries
- Documents required
- Apply for a pass
- Appeal against a rejected application
- Renew a pass
- Cancel a pass
- Replace a pass card
- Notify MOM of updates
- eServices and forms
- Work Permit for migrant worker
- Key facts
- Sector-specific rules
- Work Permit conditions
- Non-Traditional Sources Occupation List
- Construction sector requirements
- Manufacturing sector requirements
- Marine shipyard sector requirements
- Process sector requirements
- Settling-in Programme for Work Permit holders
- Services sector requirements
- Prior approval for marine shipyard sector
- Basic-skilled workers for construction sector
- Higher-Skilled workers for construction sector
- Higher-skilled workers for process sector
- Security bond
- Medical insurance
- Medical examination
- In-principle approval (IPA) for migrant worker
- Paying the salary
- Six-monthly medical examination for female migrant workers
- Hiring existing worker for construction sector
- Hiring existing worker in marine shipyard sector
- Hiring existing worker in process sector
- Hiring an existing manufacturing or services worker
- Cross-deploy a worker
- Driving occupations in the construction, marine shipyard and process sectors
- Onboard centre
- Foreign worker levy
- Apply for Work Permit
- Renew a Work Permit
- Appeal for renewal
- Cancel a Work Permit
- Replace a card
- Notify MOM of updates
- Get a short Work Permit extension
- Overseas leave
- Housing
- Recreation, well-being and other resources for migrant workers
- eServices and forms
- Work Permit for migrant domestic worker
- Key facts
- Eligibility and requirements
- Employer's guide
- Migrant domestic worker levy
- Apply for Work Permit
- Apply under a special scheme
- Renew a Work Permit
- Appeal for renewal
- Cancel a Work Permit
- Replace a card
- Notify MOM
- Transfer to a new employer
- Transfer an MDW to a new employer through an employment agency
- Get a short Work Permit extension
- Customer ratings for FDW-placing employment agencies
- Advance Placement Scheme
- Publications and resources for employers of MDWs
- Hiring an MDW
- Living with a Migrant Domestic Worker
- Building a blissful bond with your helper Rasyidah and Novita
- An MDWs letter to her daughter
- Building a blissful bond with your helper Kewaljeet and Kusuma
- Connecting through cuisine understanding your helpers dietary preferences
- Cleaning for the holidays how to ensure your helper works safely
- Is your helper trained to provide caregiving duties
- Paying your helper's salary on time and in full: Why it matters
- Should you do anything about your helper's snacking?
- MomGuide
- S.M.A.R.T. savings: empowering your helper with basic financial literacy
- Look out for your helpers mental well-being
- Understand the rules that apply when you employ a helper
- Ask Jaya
- Any tips on how to go about interviewing a potential MDW to ensure the right fit?
- I'm thinking of hiring a transfer helper. Is it the right choice for me?
- I have a dispute with my migrant domestic worker (MDW). How can I resolve it amicably?
- I suspect my migrant domestic worker (MDW) is pregnant! What should I do?
- I want to give my migrant domestic worker (MDW) access to her phone. But what should I do to ensure that she is still able to focus on her job?
- My migrant domestic worker (MDW) is asking for home leave. Is there anything I should look out for?
- What if my migrant domestic worker (MDW) steals from me? What should I do?
- What should I look out for when picking an Employment Agency?
- Resources for employers of migrant domestic workers (MDWs)
- Staying safe from scams for MDWs
- eServices and forms
- Work Permit for confinement nanny
- Work Permit for performing artiste
- Training Employment Pass
- Work Holiday Pass (under Work Holiday Programme)
- Work Holiday Pass (under Work and Holiday Visa Programmes)
- Training Work Permit
- Dependant's Pass
- Long-Term Visit Pass
- Pre-approved Letter of Consent
- Letter of Consent for ICA-issued LTVP/LTVP+ holders
- Key facts on Letter of Consent for ICA-issued LTVP/LTVP+ holders
- Eligibility for Letter of Consent for ICA-issued LTVP/LTVP+ holders
- Documents required for selected professions
- Apply for a Letter of Consent for ICA-issued LTVP/LTVP+ holders
- Renew, cancel or replace a Letter of Consent for ICA-issued LTVP/LTVP+ holders
- eServices and forms
- Letter of Consent for Dependant’s Pass holders who are business owners
- Miscellaneous Work Pass
- Work Pass Exempt Activities
- Work pass exemption for foreign students
- Work passes for holders of Long-Term Visit Passes issued by ICA
- Employment Pass
- eServices
- Forms
- Workplace safety and health
- Inspection Programme for Safe Machines
- Safety Accountability, Focus and Empowerment (SAFE) measures
- SnapSAFE - Reporting saves lives
- CheckSafe eService - Compare companies' WSH performance easily
- WSH Resources
- Work injury compensation
- Changes to Work Injury Compensation Act in 2020
- What is the Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA)
- Who is covered in accordance with WICA
- WICA versus common law
- Eligible claims under WICA
- Types of compensation under WICA
- Work injury compensation insurance
- Check the status of a work injury claim
- Disputing a work injury claim
- For employees: how to claim work injury compensation
- For employers: what to do during a work injury claim
- Resources and tools for work injury compensation
- Work injury compensation eServices and forms
- Work accident reporting
- Enhanced featured for myMOM Portal
- Enhanced features for WSH Incident Reporting eService
- What is a work-related accident
- Work-related accidents: what and when to report
- Work-related accidents: who should report
- Report a work-related accident
- WSH alert service for WSH Incident Reporting
- Work accident reporting eServices and forms
- WSH professionals and Competent Persons
- Authorised Examiner (Lifting Equipment)
- Apply to be an Authorised Examiner (Lifting Equipment)
- Perform registration and transactions for Authorised Examiner
- Add scope for Authorised Examiner (Lifting Equipment)
- Update contact details for Authorised Examiner (Lifting Equipment)
- Terminate a registration for Authorised Examiner (Lifting Equipment)
- Authorised Examiner for Lifting Equipment eServices and forms
- Authorised Examiner (Pressure Vessels)
- Apply to be an Authorised Examiner (Pressure Vessels)
- Perform registration and transactions for Authorised Examiner
- Update contact details for Authorised Examiner (Pressure Vessels)
- Terminate a registration for Authorised Examiner (Pressure Vessels)
- Authorised Examiner for Pressure Vessels eServices and forms
- Crane Operator
- Designated workplace doctor
- Workplace safety and health officer
- CP cards for WSH professionals and Competent Persons
- Find WSH professionals
- Authorised Examiner (Lifting Equipment)
- WSH service providers
- Apply to be an inspection company under the Inspection Programme for Safe Machines
- Asbestos removal contractor
- Crane contractor
- Work injury compensation designated insurer
- Scaffold contractor
- Third-Party Inspection Agency
- SAC accredited workplace safety and health auditing organisation
- Find approved service providers
- Find a work injury compensation (WIC) designated insurer
- Find list of inspection companies
- Find an SAC accredited WSH auditing organisation or WSH auditor
- Find an approved crane contractor
- Find an approved scaffold contractor
- Find an approved asbestos removal contractor
- Find a local Third-Party Inspection Agency for Lifting Equipment
- Find a local Third-Party Inspection Agency for steam piping
- Find an overseas Third-Party Inspection Agency for Lifting Equipment
- Find an overseas Third-Party Inspection Agency for Pressure Vessels
- Workplace safety and health training
- Lifting Equipment
- Pressure Vessels
- Factory Notification and Registration
- WSH Act: what is a factory
- Factory Notification or Registration requirements
- Apply for Factory Notification or Registration
- Renew a Factory Registration
- Update factory details
- Terminate a Factory Notification or Registration
- Self-assessment tool for factory registration and notification
- Factory eServices and forms
- Major Hazard Installations
- Monitoring and surveillance
- Enhanced workplace health surveillance (WHS+)
- Medical monitoring
- Hygiene monitoring
- Safety and health inspections
- Safety disqualification criteria for public sector construction and construction-related projects
- Demerit point system for construction and manufacturing sectors
- Business Under Surveillance programme
- Safety and health management systems
- WSH Support Schemes
- Workplace Safety and Health Act
- Find type-approved equipment
- Appoint an account administrator or user for WSH eServices
- Pay bills and fines online
- Workplace safety and health best practices
- WSH Technology
- Workplace safety and health reports and statistics
- WSH circulars
- Workplace resilience against infectious diseases
- Foreign workforce numbers
- Heat stress measures for outdoor work
- Tripartite advisory on workplace measures to tackle MERS-CoV
- Advisory to employers on management of Zika virus during outbreak
- Transact safely and securely
- Upgrade IE or enable TLS to transact with MOM securely
- Privacy statement
- Terms of use