Enhanced workplace health surveillance (WHS+)
Expanding workplace health surveillance and companies' adoption of upstream risk controls through WHS+ consultation and audit programme
Medical monitoring
Medical examination requirements, specific occupational hazards, submission of reports and certification of fitness to work.
Hygiene monitoring
Hygiene monitoring requirements, submitting toxic substances monitoring or noise monitoring reports.
Safety and health inspections
Benefits of conducting regular safety and health inspections and how to conduct inspections.
Safety disqualification criteria for public sector construction and construction-related projects
What are the set of safety disqualification criteria and the penalties in construction sector.
Demerit point system
For construction and manufacturing companies: how demerit points are issued and the penalties for continued safety breaches.
Business Under Surveillance programme
Goals of the programme, how it works and list of companies under the programme.
Monitoring and surveillance
Companies must conduct hygiene monitoring of the workplace for noise and toxic substances, and send your employees for medical examinations if they’re exposed to specific occupational hazards. Learn about the requirements.