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What should I do if I want to make changes to the iReport after 30 days from the submission date?

If you need to make changes listed below to your iReport, you will need to submit a new iReport and request to MOM to delete the incorrect iReport.

However if you need to change any details not listed below to your iReport, you can submit a request for amendments online.

S/N   Header  Description
General Information 
  • Informant Type such as Employer, Employer and Occupier etc
  • Informant Name
2. About Your Organisation 
  • Your organisation name
  • Your organisation UEN

(as the above is tied to your CorpPass login)

3. About the Accident 
  • The accident happened at
  •  Address or location where the accident happened 
4. About the Injured Person
  • Name, Date of birth (DOB), Gender, ID Type
  • Did the accident result in death of the injured person