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What is the Household Services Scheme?

The Household Services Scheme (HSS) allows companies to hire more migrant workers to provide part-time domestic services, such as home cleaning, grocery shopping, car-washing and pet-sitting. 

To get part-time or temporary help with household chores

You can contact any of these HSS companies.

Basic elder-minding services

Selected HSS companies can hire more migrant workers to provide basic elder-minding services*. You can find out more about the full scope of services that can be provided by the companies.

*HSS was expanded in March 2023 to cover basic child-minding service and basic elder-minding services. Due to low demand, basic child-minding service will no longer be supported with manpower concessions under HSS pilot from March 2026 onwards.

Households who wish to engage the services of a HSS company for elder-minding can contact these participating companies.

Please note that:

  • HSS services are intended to cater to households who intermittently need additional help with basic elder-minding. You should approach specialised caregiving companies if a higher level of care is required (e.g., home nursing or home medical services).
  • Households using the elder-minding services should ask the provider for the experience, qualification and training of the worker deployed, and assess suitability of the worker for the care needs of the household. Households are also advised to have a member of the household present to supervise, especially when using the services of the worker for the first time. 

Companies keen to be part of HSS

Companies providing household services can email us at to be considered for the HSS. If approved, your company will be eligible for the following: