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Economics Department

Economics Department (ED) undertakes economic surveillance and forecasting, ex-ante analyses and ex-post evaluations of public policies, as well as economic research to support robust, data-driven and evidence-based policy formulation.

About us

ED supports data-driven and evidence-based policymaking through

  • Economic surveillance and forecasting
  • Economic research
  • Policy analyses which include empirical analysis, ex-ante policy simulations, ex-post impact evaluations and manpower projections to support labour market policy formulation

ED comprises two units:

Economic Research Unit (ERU)

Supports manpower policies that optimise workforce allocation to inform local and foreign workforce interventions, develop human capital, and have an impact on industries and businesses.

Socio-economic Research Unit (SRU)

Supports manpower policies that improve retirement adequacy, enhance the workplace, uplift the incomes of lower-wage workers and support the employment of vulnerable workforce segments.

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