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Flexible work schedule

For employers who want to be exempted from Employment Act requirements for overtime, rest day and public holiday pay.

At a glance

Who can apply Employers or company representatives.
How long it lasts Maximum 2 years.
Related eService Apply for flexible work schedule


Flexible work schedule allows you to optimise your costs and manpower resources, and avoid or minimise retrenchment of excess employees during a downturn.

Your employees are assured of a stable monthly income and greater job security, although they may face some loss of overtime pay.

Exemptions under flexible work schedule

Under flexible work schedule, you can be exempted from paying the following salary rates to employees for overtime, rest day and public holiday work:

  • 1.5 times the hourly rate of pay for overtime work.
  • 2 days’ salary for work done on a rest day at the employer’s request.
  • An extra day’s salary for work on a public holiday.

If approved, you can:

  • Compute weekly working hours over a longer period for overtime pay.
  • Be exempted or pay a different rate from the prescribed rate for overtime, rest day or public holiday work.

How long it lasts

Flexible work schedule will be approved for a maximum of 2 years at a time.

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