HR Industry Transformation Advisory Panel (HRTAP)
HRTAP provides a set of recommendations to build a stronger HR industry to be a strategic business partner and enable workforce transformation.
Why HRTAP was set up
HRTAP was convened in October 2018 to:
- Equip the HR industry to play an integral role in business transformation.
- Chart the next phase of development for the HR industry.
The panel comprises tripartite representatives, HR and business leaders.
Challenges and opportunities for the HR industry
Since the launch of the HR Industry Manpower Plan in 2017, the changing operating environment has compelled the HR industry to step up and play a strategic role in driving business and workforce transformation.
The HRTAP has identified immediate and longer-term challenges and opportunities for the HR industry in this new environment.
Near term challenges
COVID-19 has disrupted economies and businesses. HR is in the spotlight to help businesses and worker navigate the changes by:
- Managing disruptions and changing nature of workplaces.
- Engaging employees and safeguard mental well-being.
- Implementing fair and responsible cost-saving measures.
Longer term challenges
Business transformation remains key for companies to meet longer-term challenges and tap on opportunities. HR needs to support business transformation to prepare for the post-COVID-19 economy by taking the lead in:
- Driving strategic workforce planning to meet new business needs and build workforce resilience.
- Ensuring fair hiring and diversity to build workforce resilience.
- Redesigning jobs to complement increased technology adoption.
- Reskilling the workforce with emerging and critical skills.
HRTAP recommends two key thrusts to help HR play a strategic role in driving business and workforce transformation:
For companies: Build HR capabilities that support sector and enterprise transformationShow
For HR professionals: Uplift HR profession with relevant skills and experienceShow
To demonstrate commitment towards raising the importance of HR capability building and improving the quality and capabilities of HR professionals, HRTAP has set the following targets:
- Build HR capabilities that support sector and enterprise transformation
- 5,000 HCDT assessments by 2025
- 80% of companies to have improved HCDT scores by 2025
- Uplift HR profession with relevant skills and experience
- 10,000 certified professionals and associates by 2025 (IHRP-certified or equivalent)
- 10,000 IHRP Skills Badges conferred by 2025
HRTAP will also track improvements in business outcomes for companies and wage outcomes for HR professionals.
Find out more
For more info, view the HRTAP infographic.
Visit our partner agencies to find out how you can strengthen HR capabilities in your organisations and upskill HR professionals in emerging areas: