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Overtime for part-time employees

Part-time employees are entitled to pay for overtime work based on whether their hours exceed the normal working hours of a similar full-time employee.

What is overtime

Overtime work is work that exceeds a part-time employee's normal daily working hours.

As a part-time employee, you are entitled to pay for overtime work. The payment depends on whether your hours exceed the normal working hours of a similar full-time employee.

Calculating overtime pay

Your overtime pay is calculated as follows:

If hours worked Overtime pay is calculated
Exceed your daily working hours but less than a full-time employee's normal hours At your hourly basic rate of pay
Exceed a full-time employee's normal hours At your hourly basic rate x 1.5

You work 4 hours a day and a full-time employee works 8 hours. Your hourly basic rate of pay is $5. If you work 9 hours in a day, your overtime pay is:

(8 hours x $5) + (1 hour x $5 x 1.5) = $47.50

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