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Platform Workers Act: what it covers

The Platform Workers Act provides for the rights, obligations, protections and representation of platform workers and platform operators.

From 1 January 2025, there are new protections for platform workers covering work injury compensation, CPF contributions, and representation rights. Refer to the infographics to learn more about the changes for platform workers and operators in Singapore.

What is the Platform Workers Act

The Platform Workers Act implements the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Platform Workers to strengthen protections for platform workers.

The recommendations include:

Ensuring adequate financial protection for platform workers in case of work injury

  • Platform workers will be entitled to the same scope and level of work injury compensation as employees under the Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA).

Improving platform workers' housing and retirement adequacy

  • Platform operators are required to deduct CPF contributions from platform workers' earnings as and when they earn and submit it to CPF Board every month.
  • CPF contribution rates for platform workers and platform operators will be gradually increased to match that for employees and employers to help platform workers achieve the same level of housing and retirement adequacy as employees.
  • The increased CPF contributions will be mandatory for platform workers born on or after 1 January 1995. Older platform workers can choose to opt in to the increased CPF contributions if they wish to.

Enhanced representation

  • Platform workers and platform operators can form their own platform work associations.
  • Platform work associations that are recognised by platform operators can negotiate with platform operators to further the interests of platform workers, and represent the platform workers in work disputes.
  • Similarly, platform operators can form and be collectively represented as a platform work association.

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