What is PWM
Overview of the PWM, including when it took effect, who it covers, and help for employers to cover training costs.
Expansion of Progressive Wage (PW) approach and coverage
Overview of expansion of PWM to new sectors and occupations, and new Local Qualifying Salary requirement.
Cleaning sector
PWM wage and training requirements for cleaners.
Security sector
PWM wage and training requirements for security officers.
Landscape sector
PWM wage and training requirements for landscape maintenance employees.
Lift and escalator sector
PWM wage and training requirements for lift and escalator employees.
Retail sector
PWM wage and training requirements for retail workers.
Food services sector
PWM wage and training requirements for food services workers.
Occupational PWs for administrators and drivers
OPW wage and training requirements for administrators and drivers.
Waste management sector
PWM wage and training requirements for waste management workers.
PW Mark
Overview of the PW Mark, including when it will take effect, who it covers and how to apply.
What is the Local Qualifying Salary (LQS)
Overview of the LQS and how it is used.
Progressive Wage Model
Find out more about the Progressive Wage Model (PWM), a wage structure which helps to increase wages of workers through upgrading skills and improving productivity.