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Table-top exercises (TTX)

Your organisation can test your crisis preparedness plans through conducting table-top exercises that simulate emergency situations. You can learn on the steps to plan and facilitate the exercises.

Identify terror threats

Identify terror threats by:

You can then take preventive measures against a terror attack.

After identifying a suspicious person, you should follow these 4 steps:

  1. Observe discreetly.
  2. Record description of suspect.
  3. Inform relevant parties.
  4. Assist security when necessary.

Besides suspicious persons, it is important that you take note of suspicious items that were:

  • Posted to your workplace.
  • Left outside your building

If you see suspicious items:

  • Check if suspicious item belongs to anyone nearby.
  • Do not touch the suspicious item.
  • Turn off or avoid using your mobile phones and wireless devices.
  • Inform security using nearest landline.
    Note: Do not use your mobile phones.
  • Advise passers-by to stay away from the item.
  • Direct security officers to the item when they arrive.

Counter terrorism

To counter terrorism, you need to learn:

Organise TTX

It is important to organise TTX sessions for your workplace colleagues. This will help them plan, practice and identify gaps in contingency plans for various scenarios.

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