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Tripartite set-ups and initiatives

The tripartite set-ups and initiatives provide guidelines and recommendations on issues such as wages, fair employment, and protections for vulnerable workers.

The following are some of the active tripartite set-ups and initiatives.

National Wages Council

The National Wages Council (NWC) was established in 1972 to provide general guidelines on wage policy and recommended adjustments to wage structure.

The NWC comprises nominated representatives from the employer groups like the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF), union leaders from the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), and senior representatives from Government agencies. It meets annually, or more frequently when necessary, to discuss and forge national consensus on wage-related issues. Based on the tripartite consensus reached during the discussions, an annual set of wage guidelines for employers and workers is issued.

Guidelines and publications

In October 2021, the NWC issued wage guidelines for the period from 1 December 2021 to 30 November 2022.

Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices

The Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) was set up in 2006 by the tripartite partners (Ministry of Manpower (MOM), NTUC, and SNEF), to promote the adoption of fair, responsible and progressive employment practices.

TAFEP helps employers build workplaces where employees are respected, valued and able to achieve their fullest potential, for the success of the organisation. Individuals who encounter workplace discrimination or harassment can seek help from TAFEP.

Visit the TAFEP resources page to download guides, toolkits and other resources.

Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management

The Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management (TADM) was jointly set up in April 2017 by the tripartite partners (MOM, NTUC, and SNEF) to provide advisory and mediation services to help employees and employers manage employment disputes amicably, effectively, efficiently, and fairly. Self-employed persons can also approach TADM for advisory services when they encounter payment-related disputes with service buyers, and TADM may offer voluntary mediation where appropriate.

Tripartite Committee on Workplace Fairness

The Tripartite Committee on Workplace Fairness (TCWF) was set up in July 2021 to review the framework for workplace fairness in Singapore.

At the National Day Rally 2021, the Prime Minister announced that after consulting the tripartite partners, the Government has decided to enshrine the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices into law. The TCWF – comprising Government, union, business, and HR community representatives – is now deliberating on how the legislation should be scoped and designed.

Advisory Committee on Platform Workers

The Advisory Committee on Platform Workers was convened in September 2021 to better support platform workers and accord them with stronger protections. It comprises representatives from the Government, Labour Movement, business and academia.

The Advisory Committee will focus on three priority areas that affect platform workers’ livelihoods and long-term resilience:

  • Improving housing and retirement adequacy
  • Strengthening financial protection in case of work injury
  • Enhancing representation

Tripartite Clusters for the Progressive Wage Model

Tripartite Clusters are sectoral committees tasked to develop and enhance wage ladders, training requirements and progression pathways for the Progressive Wage Model (PWM) in the different PWM sectors, and to facilitate negotiations and secure consensus. The Tripartite Clusters also monitor the impact of the PWM and look into improving the working conditions of workers.

Each Tripartite Cluster ensures that its efforts are aligned with the sector’s Industry Transformation Map. A systematic approach is taken to enhance the productivity, innovation, quality of jobs and skills, sustainability of economic growth, and opportunities of each sector.

The latest recommendations of the different Tripartite Clusters, aligned with the recommendations from the Tripartite Workgroup on Lower-Wage Workers, may be found here.

Tripartite Collective

The Tripartite Collective is a joint initiative by the tripartite partners (MOM, NTUC, and the SNEF) to strengthen the spirit of tripartism in Singapore. The Tripartite Collective brings together members from the tripartite partners, the wider business community, and the academia to exchange views and ideas on issues faced by employees and employers and to develop capabilities to further the development of progressive workplaces. The Tripartite Collective will commission research studies, conduct open dialogues and sharing sessions, and organise capability development programmes.

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