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Tripartite Standards

The Tripartite Standards are a new tripartite initiative which helps organisations with good practices distinguish themselves. They complement our laws, Tripartite Guidelines and Advisories to increase the adoption of fair and progressive workplace practices in Singapore.

What are Tripartite Standards

Each Tripartite Standard comprises a set of verifiable, actionable employment practices across different functional areas, e.g. term contract employment, recruitment practices, etc, which progressive employers adopt.

Each of these has been approved and issued by the tripartite partners.

Jobseekers and employees can identify these employers and the specific progressive employment practices implemented by them.

Find out more about the Tripartite Standards and how to adopt them.

Available Tripartite Standards

The following Tripartite Standards have been launched:

Tripartite Standard on Advancing Well-Being of Lower-Wage Workers Tripartite Standard on Advancing Well-Being of Lower-Wage Workers
Tripartite Standards for Employment of Term Contract Employees Tripartite Standard on Employment of Term Contract Employees
Tripartite Standards for Grievance Handling Tripartite Standard on Grievance Handling
Tripartite Standards for Recruitment Practices Tripartite Standard on Recruitment Practices
Tripartite Standards for Media Freelancers Tripartite Standard on the Procurement of Services from Media Freelancers
Tripartite Standard on Unpaid Leave for Unexpected Care Needs Tripartite Standard on Unpaid Leave for Unexpected Care Needs
Tripartite Standard on Contracting with Self-Employed Persons Tripartite Standard on Contracting with Self-Employed Persons
Tripartite Standard on Age-friendly Workplace Practices Tripartite Standard on Age-friendly Workplace Practices
Tripartite Standard for Work-Life Harmony Tripartite Standard on Work-Life Harmony Practices

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