What is tripartism
In Singapore, tripartism refers to the unique collaborative approach adopted by unions, employers, and the Government in promoting shared economic and social goals to arrive at win-win outcomes for all parties in a non-confrontational and objective manner. The tripartite partners are the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF).
Tripartism in Singapore
Tripartism refers to the collaboration among unions, employers and the Government. It is a key competitive advantage for Singapore. Tripartism has promoted harmonious labour-management relations, helped overcome manpower challenges, boosted Singapore’s economic competitiveness, and contributed to Singapore’s overall progress.
The key tripartite priorities include:
- Upgrading capabilities of employers and workers
- Uplifting and strengthening support for our vulnerable and mature workers
- Fostering inclusive and progressive employment practices, and upholding workplace fairness
The tripartite partners
The tripartite partners are:
Ministry of Manpower (MOM)
MOM is responsible for formulating and implementing labour policies related to the workforce in Singapore. It aims to develop a globally competitive workforce and a great workplace, for a cohesive society and a secure economic future for all Singaporeans.
The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC)
NTUC is a national confederation of trade unions as well as a network of professional associations and partners across all sectors in Singapore.
NTUC’s objectives aim to help Singapore stay competitive and workers remain employable for life; to enhance the social status and well-being of their members and working people; and to build a strong, responsible and caring labour movement
NTUC’s vision is to be an inclusive labour movement for all collars, ages and nationalities.
NTUC is at the heart of the Labour Movement, which comprises 58 affiliated unions, seven affiliated associations, 12 social enterprises, six related organisations as well as a growing ecosystem of U Associates and enterprise partners.
The Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF)
Established in 1980, SNEF is a national trade union of employers that represent the interests of all sectors of the economy.
SNEF’s mission is to advance tripartism and enhance labour market flexibility to enable employers to implement responsible employment practices for sustainable growth.
With the support of over 3,300 corporate members, SNEF is an active player in facilitating the tripartite partnership among the Government, employers and unions in shaping labour policies that enable employers to enhance harmonious union-management relations, employer-employee relations, productivity, and competitiveness.