You may check the status of your work pass application by following the steps below:
- Go to Check work pass and application status.
- Enter your date of birth followed by your FIN or passport number (travel document number).
- You will be able to view the status of your work pass applications made within the last 6 months.
You can do either of the following:
I am currently holding a work pass and have applied for employment with another employer. Can I use the portal to enquire about the status of both my current work pass and the new work pass application?Show
Yes, you can use the portal to enquire about the status of both your current work pass as well as the new work pass application.
I am a new work pass applicant and do not have an in-principle approval (IPA) or FIN. How do I check the status of my application?Show
You can do so by carrying out the following steps:
- Go to Check work pass and application status.
- Enter your date of birth and passport number (travel document number).
Alternatively, you can ask your employer or employment agent for your IPA Letter that will contain your FIN.
Yes, you will be able to check the application status and pass validity for all work passes and long-term passes issued by MOM.
It means that the passport number you have provided is linked to more than 1 FIN. You need to provide a unique FIN to retrieve the correct record. Ask your employer or employment agent for your FIN, which can be found on your IPA letter.
The portal will not show the status of an application or a work pass that was cancelled or expired more than 6 months ago.
This information is only available to Work Permit holders.
To see your salary information, enter the Date of Application (DOA) which can be found on your IPA.
If you are an existing Work Permit holder, check your current salary using the SGWorkPass App.
You can contact your employer or employment agent before coming to Singapore if the employment details (i.e. salary details and occupation) are different from what you were offered. You may reject the employment offer if you do not agree with the information found on the portal.
Ask your employer or employment agent to update the information via our systems. Alternatively, you may
contact MOM.
If you are a new applicant, please make sure the information is correct before leaving your home country/region.
Yes, the portal is available in 5 languages (English, Bengali, Chinese, Malay and Tamil).
I am a landlord, property agent representing the landlord or a commercial service provider servicing work pass holders. Can I use the enquiry portal to check the status of their work passes?Show
If you need more employment information, scan the QR code on the pass holder’s card using the
SGWorkPass App.
Can I save and print the results obtained from the enquiry portal?Show
Yes, you can save the results as a PDF document and print it from your device. The date and time of enquiry will be stamped on it.
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