Submit and manage toxic substances monitoring reports
Companies that use or have processes that generate toxic substances in your workplace should regularly monitor your employee’ exposure to such toxic substances and submit the monitoring results.
Create and submit reports for your company’s workplaces.
Make changes to your company’s draft or returned reports.
Uploading monitoring data.
Check submission status.
View past reports.
Toxic substances monitoring officer
Create and submit reports for workplaces.
Make changes to draft or returned reports that you created.
Check submission status.
View past reports.
I can't find “Total Dust” as a dropdown option. What should I do?Show
“Total Dust” is listed as “Nuisance Particulates” in the dropdown list.
What value should I input for concentration and time-weighted average value (TWA) in the eService submission when my report indicates that the chemical concentration is non-detectable (ND)?Show
You need to review the non-detectable value provided by your service provider and input a value that is one decimal place lesser than the ND value.