Working in Singapore
DP holders can get an Employment Pass (EP), S Pass or Work Permit if they wish to work in Singapore. The prospective employer must submit an application on their behalf, and the relevant qualifying salaries, quotas and levies of the respective work passes will apply.
Eligible DP holders who wish to operate a business can apply for a Letter of Consent for DP holders who are business owners.
- No payment is involved
- The activities are for a charitable purpose
DP holders who get an EP or S Pass will be granted the work and stay privileges associated with an EP or S Pass. As their stay in Singapore is no longer dependent on the main pass holder, they will no longer require a DP, and their DP will need to be cancelled before their EP or S Pass gets issued.
DP holders who get a Work Permit:
- Are required to hold on to both the DP and Work Permit. The Work Permit’s validity period will be tied to that of the DP
- Can be of all nationalities/citizenships (i.e. source requirements are waived)
- Are not subject to the six-monthly medical examination, security bond or pregnancy restrictions.
- Do not need medical insurance from their employers if they are already covered under a medical insurance plan that meets MOM’s prevailing minimum mandatory insurance coverage requirement.