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5-year duration Employment Pass for experienced tech professionals with skills in shortage

Experienced tech professionals with skills in shortage may apply for a longer 5-year duration EP. 

This will give greater certainty to experienced tech professionals as well as businesses hiring them, and allow Singapore to anchor tech capabilities in areas where the local pipeline is still being developed.

Eligible candidates must meet the following criteria:

Applies to 5-year tech EP salary criteria
  • New EP applications from 1 January 2025
  • Renewals of EPs expiring from 1 January 2026
Earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $10,700 (for candidates aged 36 and below. The salary required increases with age, up to $14,270 for candidates aged 45 and above)
  • Renewals of EPs expiring from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025 (inclusive)
Earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $10,500 (for candidates aged 36 and below. The salary required increases with age, up to $13,500 for candidates aged 45 and above)
To apply, candidates may indicate a pass duration of up to 5 years and select the relevant tech occupation when submitting their EP application. They will need to meet the eligibility criteria above and further verification checks.

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