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Passes for families of Employment Pass holders

As an Employment Pass holder, you can get certain family members to join you in Singapore if you meet the eligibility requirements.

Who is eligible

To be eligible, you need to:

  • Earn at least $6,000 a month.
  • Hold an Employment Pass.

These are the family members you can bring in and the type of pass they need:

Family member Pass type
Legally married spouse Dependant’s Pass
Unmarried children under 21 years old, including those legally adopted Dependant’s Pass
Common-law spouse Long-Term Visit Pass
Unmarried handicapped children aged 21 and above Long-Term Visit Pass
Unmarried step-children under 21 years old Long-Term Visit Pass
(Only for EP holders earning at least $12,000)
Long-Term Visit Pass

How to apply

To apply, your employer will need to submit a separate application for each family member. The application can be submitted together with the Employment Pass application or separately.

Find out more about the requirements and application process for Dependant’s Pass and Long-Term Visit Pass.

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