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Documents required for EntrePass

You need to submit documents such as a business plan and your passport page along with the EntrePass application.

Required documents

You will need these documents to apply:

  • Personal particulars page of your passport
  • A business plan in English. It should include the following in 10 pages or less:
    • Product and service offered
    • Market analysis
    • Operation plan
    • Profile of management team
    • Supporting documents such as licensing agreements, product certificates and endorsement patents
  • Document to indicate the business type and activities for prior business ventures
  • Your curriculum vitae (CV) and past employment testimonials (if any) to elaborate on professional experiences, awards or recognitions
  • Company’s latest business profile or instant information from Bizfile (if applicable)
  • Latest financial statement (if company is registered with ACRA for more than 12 months)
  • Other documents that may support your EntrePass application.

We may ask for other documents when we review your application.

Additional documents

You need to provide additional documents depending on the innovative criteria you plan to apply under:

Provide documents that show the fundraising indicated and your involvement in the business. Candidates should be able to show that they have raised at least SGD 100,000 from a single funding round from investors for any past or current business.

Examples are:

  • Investment agreements
  • Shareholder certificates

Provide documents that prove the business is or will supported by the incubator or accelerator indicated, such as an incubation agreement.

You will need to meet all the following requirements and provide the relevant supporting documents.

Requirement Examples of supporting documents
You founded the business
  • Incorporation documents
  • Signed letter from current management team
The business is or was venture-backed or owns innovative technologies Company’s business plan
The business was sold under your management A Sale and Purchase Agreement indicating your name and information

Provide documents that indicate the intellectual property (IP) such as the IP registration.

Provide documents that indicate the research collaboration such as the Research Collaboration Agreement (RCA)

For non-English documents, you must upload the following together as 1 file:

  • Original documents
  • English translation

The translation can be done by a service provider.

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