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Renew an EntrePass

If you hold an EntrePass, you can start applying to renew your pass 3 months before it expires. You will need to meet the renewal criteria for total business spending and local jobs created.

Enterprise Singapore, who works with MOM to evaluate EntrePass applications, may contact EntrePass holders periodically for engagement and audit purposes.

At a glance

When to renew

3 months before the pass expires.

Who can renew Pass holder.
What is the duration of the renewed pass

The duration of the pass is as follows:

  • First renewal: Up to 1 year
  • Subsequent renewals: Up to 2 years
How much it costs
How long it takes Within 8 weeks for most cases.

Renewal criteria

You must meet all the following criteria when applying to renew:

For Renewal critera
Pass holder
  • Own at least 30% shareholding of the company
  • Have created an individual profile and claimed your company profile on Startup SG Network (SSN)

Total Business Spending (TBS) and Local Workforce (LWF) criteria

Renewal cycle Annual Total Business Spending LWF Basic monthly salary for an employee to be considered a PME 
1st $3,900
2nd $100,000 1
3rd $200,000 2
4th $300,000 3
5th  $400,000
6th $700,000  $4,700 
7th $750,000
8th $800,000
9th $900,000 
10th $1,000,000
11th $1,150,000 10 

The EntrePass criteria is revised periodically to keep pace with the growth in Singapore’s enterprise ecosystem and talent pool over the years, to ensure that the contribution of your business to the local economy remains high.

Definition of key terms

Your renewal cycle is calculated based on either the:

  • Date of issuance of your EntrePass
  • Registered company’s date of incorporation (if your original pass expired).

If you are unsure which renewal cycle you need to meet, you can contact Enterprise Singapore.


TBS is calculated by deducting the following from the company’s Total Operating Expenses:

  • Expenses due to the purchase of royalties, franchise, and technical know-how fees from overseas companies
  • Expenses due to the outsourcing of work overseas
  • Total remuneration to the company’s EntrePass holders
The following items are not considered Operating Expenses:
  • Cost of Goods Sold / Cost of Service and Cost of Sales
  • Personal expenses
  • Rental expenses for residential properties


Your LWF may comprise of Professionals, Managers & Executives (PMEs) and Local Qualifying Salary (LQS) employees.

In your calculation of LWF, your employees must meet the following criteria: 

  • Singaporeans/Singapore Permanent Resident
  • Earn a basic monthly salary which is more than or equal to the corresponding salary indicated in the criteria table
  • Have received CPF contributions for at least 3 months
  • Is under the registered company’s direct payroll 
 LQS employees
  • Meet the guidelines for Local Qualifying Salary
  • Have received CPF contributions for at least 3 months
  • Is under the registered company’s direct payroll

You may only utilise up to 12 LQS in your calculation of LWF.

Your LWF is calculated using the formula below:

LWF = (No. of PMEs) + (No. of LQS employees / 3)

  • The company must meet the LWF criteria at the time of the renewal application submission to qualify for renewal.
  • You may utilise up to 12 LQS in your calculation of LWF
  • Only employees under the registered company’s direct payroll will be considered PMEs / LQS.

How to renew

To renew

  1. Download the EntrePass renewal application form and complete it as a soft copy.
  2. Submit the completed EntrePass renewal application form and the related supporting documents using the online form.

Documents required

You need to submit the following documents with your application:

  • Company registration information from ACRA within the last 3 months.
  • Company’s audited Financial Statements (FS) for the latest financial year.
    • If the above is not ready or if you are submitting an appeal, you may be required to submit an adjusted 12-month FS.
    • The FS does not need to be audited if you qualify as a small company under ACRA’s Small Company Concept for Audit Exemption.
  • Corporate bank statements for the last 3 months.
  • Central Provident Fund statements for your employees (optional for first EntrePass renewal if not available).
  • Documents on company’s business activities (at least 1 of the following):
    • Referral letters from customers.
    • Recent invoices issued.
    • Contracts awarded.
    • Business partnership agreements.
    • Tenancy agreements.
    • Revised business plan (required if the nature of business or business activities have changed since your previous EntrePass application or renewal).
  • Records of contribution to the local startup ecosystem (if any).
  • Travel document page showing your personal particulars.
  • Screenshot of company profile on SSN.

Upon renewal

If your renewal is successful, you:

  1. Will get an In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter. It is valid for 3 months.
  2. Must follow the instructions in the IPA to get the pass issued.

You must get the pass issued before the IPA or current pass expires, whichever occurs first. Otherwise, an overstaying fine will be imposed. The duration of the renewed pass will start when the current pass expires.

After the pass is issued

After the pass is issued, check the notification letter to see:

If the notification letter states The existing card
Continue using the existing card.

Must be kept by you.

Note: If you return it when you don’t need to, you have to pay $60 to replace the pass.
Getting a new card. Must be cut in half and discarded to prevent misuse. 

If you’re a tech startup, you can join the Startup SG Network to connect with other startups, investors, and incubators or accelerators. Find out more on Startup SG Network and how to join it.

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