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Passes for families

As an Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass holder, certain family members will be able to join you in Singapore.

Who is eligible

Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass holders may apply for passes to allow the following family members to join them in Singapore.


Family member Pass type
Spouse (legally married)

Dependant’s Pass

Spouses with Dependant's Passes can apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) to work in Singapore.

Common-law spouse (A common-law relationship between 2 people that is recognised under the laws of their country or region)

Long-Term Visit Pass

Common-law spouses on LTVP can apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) to work in Singapore.

Children and parents

Family member Pass type
Children - unmarried and under 21 years old, including those legally adopted Dependant’s Pass

Handicapped children - unmarried and aged 21 and above

Stepchildren - unmarried and under 21 years old

Parents of the Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass holder

Long-Term Visit Pass

Passes for family are not available for children who are married or over the age or 21. They may choose to obtain their own work pass if they wish to work in Singapore.

When to apply

We recommend applying for your family’s passes once your pass gets approved, as Dependant's Pass and Long-Term Visit Pass applications take 4 weeks to process.

Although you can apply for your family’s passes at the same time as the Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass, you may lose the application fees for each family pass if your Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass application gets rejected.

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