Documents required
Find out the documents required for all Personalised Employment Pass applications.
Required documents
You need to provide your personal particulars passport page, including any amendments.
If your name in the passport is different from the name in other documents, you also need to upload all the following:
- An explanation letter
- Supporting documents, such as a deed poll
Additional documents
You need to have earned a fixed monthly salary of at least S$22,500 to be eligible for a PEP. Find out the documents required if you are currently:
You will need to submit the following documents:
- Monthly payslips for a consecutive period of 3 months
- Documents supporting your employment details (if applicable)
- Latest 3 months' personal bank statements showing name, bank account number and electronic payment of salary
- Most recent notice of assessment from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
- Employment contract with current, previous employer and future employer
- Employment history
- Education certificates
You will need to submit the following documents:
- Monthly payslips for a consecutive period of 6 months
- Latest 6 months' personal bank statements showing name, bank account number and electronic payment of salary
- Employment contract with current and previous employer
- Documents supporting your employment details (if applicable)
- Employment contract with future employer
- Employment history
- Education certificates
- Most recent tax statement
You will need to submit the following documents:
- Monthly payslips for a consecutive period of 6 months
- Latest 6 months' personal bank statements showing name, bank account number and electronic payment of salary
- Employment contract with previous employer
- Documents supporting your employment details (if applicable)
- Employment contract with future employer
- Employment history
- Education certificates
- Most recent tax statement
We may ask for other documents when we review the application.
For non-English documents, you must upload the following together as 1 file:
- Original documents
- English translations
The translations can be done by a translation service provider.
Last updated: 21 May 2024