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Eligible activities for a work pass exemption

You can work in Singapore for a short time without a work pass. However, you can only do so for certain activities, and you must notify MOM when you arrive.

Requirements for a work pass exemption

You must:

  • Be engaged to perform the Work Pass Exempt activity before you enter Singapore.
    Note: This does not guarantee your entry into Singapore. Your eligibility to enter will be assessed at our immigration checkpoints, like with all visitors.
  • Have a valid Short-Term Visit Pass (STVP) issued by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) of Singapore that allows you to stay during the activity.
  • Notify MOM of your intention to work in an exempted activity after you enter Singapore, and before starting the activity. It is an offence to start work without letting us know.
  • Comply with other specific legal requirements in Singapore (e.g. registration requirements to practise in Singapore for selected professions).

How long are you allowed to work

You are allowed to perform a Work Pass Exempt (WPE) activity for any number of visits, but up to a total of 90 days in a calendar year (e.g. 3 stints of 30 days under Work Pass Exempt activities).

The duration you can perform a WPE activity during each visit to Singapore depends on the Short Term Visit Pass (STVP) issued at the point of entry at the checkpoints. Requests to extend the STVP for the purpose of performing a WPE activity will not be considered.

When you do not need to notify MOM

You do not need to notify MOM to participate in the following activities for the duration of your Short Term Visit Pass in Singapore:

  • Attend company meetings, corporate retreats or meetings with business partners.
  • Attend study tours or visits, training courses, workshops, seminars and conferences as a participant.
  • Attend exhibitions as a trade visitor.

The above activities should not involve a contract of service or a contract for service with an employer in Singapore.


  • If you are a trainer or speaker at a training course or workshop, you will need to either notify MOM for a Work Pass exemption or get a Miscellaneous Work Pass.
  • If you take up any on-the-job training, you require a work pass.

Work Pass Exempt activities

Take note of all the requirements to get a work pass exemption for these activities:

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