Customer ratings for FDW-placing employment agencies
Customer ratings for employment agencies shows you the EA’s ratings before you engage their services in hiring an FDW.
At a glance
Related eService | Employment agencies and personnel search (EA directory) |
How ratings work
After your FDW is deployed to your household for about 3 months, you will receive an SMS to take part in a survey to rate the services of your EA.
A reminder SMS will be sent if we do not receive a response from you within a week.
The short survey consists of questions regarding the overall service of the EA that you engaged.

# | Questions |
1 | How well did your EA explain the application process, fees, service contract and the FDW employment contract to you? |
2 | How helpful was your EA when you needed advice or help? |
3 | How able was your EA in finding an FDW that meets your need? |
4 | Would you recommend the EA to your friends? |
5 | Did you use the EA Directory when deciding on the EA to engage? |
Your rating is important to us as it will encourage EAs to provide good before- and after-service to you and other prospective FDW employers. Using these ratings, prospective FDW employers can check and compare the competency and service level of an EA before engaging them.
Where to see ratings
The ratings will be displayed in the employment agencies and personnel search (EA directory).
In each FDW-placing EA’s profile page, the ratings will be represented by the number of stars. The maximum score is five stars. There needs to be a minimum of 3 reviews before the ratings will be displayed. See sample below.