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Migrant domestic worker house visits

MOM-appointed officers will be visiting households to ensure that MDWs are settling well into their working and living environments. Find out what to expect for the house visit.

What is the MDW house visit

To better support MDWs and their employers, MOM conducts random house visits to check in on the working and living environments of your MDW.

The house visit would allow your MDW to identify or clarify on potential issues, which can help build a harmonious working relationship.

What is the MDW house visit process

1. Email notification

If your MDW is scheduled for a house visit within the next two weeks, you will receive an email notification.

2. Confirming the visit

We will call you in advance to confirm the date and time of the visit. You must ensure your MDW is available for and present during the house visit.

3. House visit

During the house visit, a team of MOM-appointed officers will interview your MDW at your house, and a photograph of your MDW will be taken for record. The interview will take around 20 to 30 minutes.

You are not required to be at home for the visit.

You must provide privacy for your MDW during the interview. Recording of the interview is not allowed.

4. Update of the visit

We will give an update of the interview, either in person or through a phone call after the house visit.

The MDW house visit is compulsory. It is your responsibility as an MDW employer to ensure that she completes the interview.

How to identify MOM-appointed officers

Our officers will wear uniforms bearing the MOM logo and can be identified by their MOM Authority Card.

If in doubt, you can request for their particulars and verify their identities by calling us at 6438 5122.

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