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Overseas leave for migrant domestic workers (MDWs)

Your MDW may wish to take time off to visit her family. You can get a levy waiver for the time she is away and defer her 6-monthly medical examination, if needed.

Preparing for overseas leave

Before your helper goes for her overseas leave, you need to:

  • Ensure she has a valid passport.
  • Check with her embassy on her home country/region’s immigration requirements.
  • Make sure she brings along her Work Permit card and passport so that she can re-enter Singapore.
  • Keep a copy of her travel ticket or departure itinerary.

If your helper is away for an extended period of time, you can choose to cancel her Work Permit. If you do so, you will need to apply for a new Work Permit to employ her again.

Applying for levy waiver

You will continue to be charged levy while your helper is on overseas leave. You can apply for a levy waiver when she returns to Singapore.

To qualify for levy waiver, the overseas leave must be at least 7 consecutive days and the waiver period is capped at a maximum of 60 calendar days per calendar year.

Postponing the 6-monthly medical examination

If required, you can also request to defer your helper’s 6-monthly medical examination (6ME) while she is on overseas leave.

If the MDW does not return

If your helper does not return to Singapore from overseas leave, you must:

After we have verified that your helper has left and did not re-enter Singapore, we will proceed to discharge the security bond. If she re-enters Singapore before the security bond is discharged, you must send her home immediately. Otherwise, your security bond may be forfeited.

You can also apply for a levy waiver.  

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