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Inspection Programme for Safe Machines

Workplace occupiers and machine owners must verify the safety of their machines through an inspection company.

What is it

The inspection programme for safe machines verifies if machines used at workplaces meets industry safety standards.

Who is it for

It is the responsibility of workplace occupiers and machine owners to make sure their machines are safe under the Workplace Safety and Health Act.

If you are unsure if your machine is safe, or you have bought over the machine from someone else, the inspection programme for safe machines will help you verify your machine’s safety.

How to verify your machine's safety

Contact one of the listed inspection companies. They will check your machine against a checklist and provide a report on their findings.

The report will indicate if your machine meets the requirements of the Singapore Standard SS 537: Code of Practice for Safe Use of Machinery – Part 1: General Requirements and relevant WSH Act provisions.

If your machine is deemed unsafe, the report will recommend follow-up actions.

Become an inspection company

Interested companies can find out more about how to be an inspection company under the inspection programme for safe machines.

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