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Preparing for safety case

Information and guides to help you prepare and organise information for your safety case.

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How to prepare

Because each MHI has variations in design and operation philosophy, you can determine how best to organise information in your safety case.

The Major Hazards Department (MHD) will inform each MHI on the safety case submission date upon receipt of the MHI assessment form.


You can refer to the following documents to understand the content expected for safety case:

Key activities

These are the key activities for the safety case:

Activity Outcome
Attend pre-receipt meeting Alignment of your approach to develop safety case.
Submit safety case Receive MHD’s conclusions of the safety case assessment.
Act on safety case conclusions
  • Risk controls described in safety case are implemented.
  • Action items in Proposed Intervention Priorities (PIP) and Intervention Plan (IP) are completed.
Review safety case
  • Significance of changes in your workplace on the prevention and mitigation of major accidents is assessed.
  • Risks arising from changes in your workplace are addressed.

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