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Certificate of fitness for hazardous work

If a medical examination shows that an employee who was previously removed from exposure is fit enough for hazardous work, a designated workplace doctor needs to submit a certificate of fitness before the employee can return to work. 

At a glance

Who can submit Designated workplace doctor (DWD).
When to submit After a doctor’s assessment that an employee is fit to return to hazardous work.
What is needed
  • Workplace number, workplace name and address of the employer
  • Laboratory or other test results where applicable.
Related eService

Submit and manage medical examinations reports


You will need the following:

  • Singpass
  • Corppass assigned with WSH eServices

If you’re using Corppass, your Corppass admin or sub-admin must assign access to WSH eServices for your Corppass account:

  • Log in to Submit and manage medical examinations reports.
  • Go to the eService Access tab.
  • Choose WSH eServices as one of your company’s eServices.
  • Assign WSH eServices to your Corppass account.

Apply for Corppass if you don’t have one.

How to submit

You can submit the certificate online:

  1. Log in to WSH eService to submit the certificate of fitness.
  2. Provide all the necessart info for the certificate of fitness.
  3. Print or save a copy of the certificate for your records. You should keep these records for at least 5 years.
  4. Give a copy of the certificate to the employer and the employee.

Save your work frequently. You can retrieve a saved draft submission and work on it later.

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