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Permit-to-Work (PTW) Systems

PTW Systems are an integral part of a safe system of work and can help in the management of a wide range of work activities in the OPEC industry.

What are Permit-to-Work (PTW) Systems?

PTW System is an integral part of a safe system of work and can assist in the management of work activities, including non-routine work. PTW is an important element of an effective safety and health management system. It is a formal authorisation system used in an organisation to control selected work activities to ensure safe execution of work onsite.

PTW system is widely used in various industries, including the Oil, Petrochemical, Energy and Chemical (OPEC) Cluster. This system allows Occupiers, PTW Authority and PTW Users to communicate hazards involved in the work activities to enable safe execution of onsite.

PTW Tripartite guidelines for Oil, Petrochemical, Energy and Chemical (OPEC) Cluster

The Tripartite Guideline on Permit-to-Work for the Oil, Petrochemical, Energy and Chemicals (OPEC) Cluster provides more info on the roles and responsibilities for Occupier, PTW Authority and PTW Users.

One of the Tripartite Guide’s main guiding principle states that the PTW Authority has to:

  • Be competent and understand the hazards associated with the work which the permit is applied for.
  • Have the authority to approve or reject the PTW application without being pressurised to do so.

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