Work-related accidents: who should report
If a work-related accident or Dangerous Occurrence happens, or if a worker contracts an Occupational Disease, find out what you are required to do if you are an employer, workplace occupier, treating doctor or employee.
As an employer, you must report work-related accidents and Occupational Diseases to MOM.
These include situations when an employee:
- Dies in a work-related accident.
- Contracts an Occupational Disease under WSHA, contracts an Occupational Disease under WICA, or both.
- Is injured in a work accident or contracted a disease due to work exposure to biological or chemical agent, resulting in any one of the following:
- Outpatient / hospitalisation leave
- Light duty
As an employer, you must not influence doctors to prescribe inadequate medical leave to injured employees.
It is important that your injured employees are given adequate medical leave so that they are medically fit when they return to work, without putting the health and safety of themselves or others at risk.
Errant employers may be referred to the relevant authorities, including the Corrupt Practices Investigations Bureau (CPIB) for investigation.
- If the injured employee is hired by your sub-contractor, tell your sub-contractor to submit the incident report to MOM.
- If the injured person is self-employed or an independent contractor, the occupier of the premises may need to notify the Commissioner.
- Use the Incident Cost Calculator to estimate the costs associated with a workplace incident comprehensively by taking into account the different types of costs that may arise before and after a workplace incident.
- To get updates, subscribe to the WSH Bulletin.
Workplace occupier
If the workplace is registered as a factory, the occupier is the holder of the Certificate of Registration or factory permit. For all other workplaces, the occupier is the company that has control of the workplace.
If you are an occupier, you must report the following accidents to MOM:
- A self-employed person or member of the public dies from an accident due to works within your workplace.
- A Dangerous Occurrence that happens within your workplace.
- Use the Incident Cost Calculator estimates the costs associated with a workplace incident comprehensively by taking into account the different types of costs that may arise before and after a workplace incident.
- You can subscribe to the WSH Alert Service to be updated on incidents at your workplace.
- For publications and bulletins, visit the WSH reports and statistics library.
Treating doctor
If you are a doctor and have diagnosed that an employee has contracted an Occupational Disease under WSHA, you should:
- Submit an incident report online within 10 days of the diagnosis.
- Inform the employer of the diagnosis in writing.
Doctors can refer workers with suspected occupational disease to Occupational Medicine clinics for further investigation if they are unsure if a disease is work related.
If you are injured in a work-related accident or have contracted an Occupational Disease, your employer has a legal duty to report it to MOM.
You can help your employer by informing them of your work injury or disease immediately and updating them whenever you are given MCs. This will help your employer to notify MOM quickly.
You may also be eligible to claim work injury compensation.