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Apply Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points

The CPD programme and its underlying SDU framework aims to help workplace safety and health (WSH) officers stay up to date with changing industry needs and remain competent in the evolving environment. If you are a WSH officer, you are required to take part in the CPD programme.

What is the CPD programme

The CPD programme requires WSH officers (WSHOs) to participate in activities to get Safety Development Units (SDUs) to renew their certificate.

From 1 January 2023, the revised SDU framework will take effect.  

Key Changes

The revised SDU framework will be based on three categories:

  1. WSH in-employment practice
  2. Attending accredited training such as workshops, seminars, conferences, and formal studies
  3. Other WSH contributions or attending unaccredited WSH training

For category 2 - attending accredited training, SDUs will be awarded to training courses approved by the CPD Board based on two tiers, and training courses that award SDUs will be expanded to include selected soft skills, WSH technology, and non-WSH related courses assessed by the CPD Board to contribute to WSHOs’ professionalism.

The previous practice of allowing up to 10 structured SDUs to be carried over to the next renewal period will cease, to simplify the process of renewal and to encourage continuous learning for WSHOs as WSH professionals.

Find out more about the revised SDU framework or read more on the FAQs.

Apply SDU points for training or events organised

If you organise WSH training or events, you can apply for your activities to be approved for SDU points under the CPD programme. 

Applications are processed by the SISO Secretariat. Find out more about the guidelines, criteria and application process.

Applications that do not meet the criteria will be rejected. You can appeal for reconsideration; for example, if the application is beneficial to the WSH community but does not meet the existing criteria.

Appeals will be referred to the Board for evaluation and decision.

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