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Apply to be a registered Crane Operator

You must apply to be a registered Crane Operator if you want to operate a mobile crane (other than a lorry loader) or tower crane in a workplace.

At a glance

Who can apply Applicant.
How much it costs $20.
Fees are non-refundable, regardless of the status of your application.
How long it takes 7 working days.
Relevant regulations WSH (Operation of Cranes) Regulations
Validity 2 years (renewable).
Related eServices Registration for WSH professionals and Competent Persons
Related documents


To apply, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 21 years old.
  • Pass the relevant crane operator course conducted by an accredited training provider (ATP). You must have obtained the certificate within 6 months before applying.
  • From 1 April 2016, if you are aged 50 years or above, you must pass the medical examination before you can apply.
  • (For a foreigner with a work pass) Have Crane/Hoist operator (excluding port) as the occupation on your work pass. All other occupations are not accepted.

The Commissioner for WSH can request any crane operator, including lorry and mini crane operator, to produce a current medical certificate to certify that they’re medically fit to operate the crane.

How to apply

If you are aged 50 years or above

Before applying, if you are aged 50 years or above, you must pass your medical examination.

  1. Download the relevant medical form:
  2. Fill up the sections to be completed by applicant.
  3. Arrange and go for a medical examination with any GP or polyclinic. Bring along the medical examination form.

Apply online

To apply:

  1. Log in to apply.
  2. Upload all supporting documents.
  3. Pay the $20 fee online. Your application will only be processed upon payment.
  4. (Optional) Log in to check your application status.

You will receive the outcome by post. If your application is successful, you will also receive the registration card.

From 10 March 2019, you can only submit crane operator applications online using Singpass, as SingPost branches no longer accept applications and payment.

Documents required

You will need to submit copies of the following documents:

List of acceptable crane operator courses

You can send your workers for the following crane operator courses conducted by the accredited training providers for their crane operator registration.

Training Provider Course Title
BCA Academy and BCA Approved Training and Testing Centres (ATTCs)
  • Crawler Crane Operation
  • Mobile Crane (Truck Mounted) Operation
  • Tower Crane (Saddle Jib) Operation
  • Operation of Tower Crane (Luffing Jib) Theory Course, previously known as Tower Crane (Luffing Jib) Operation

Association of Singapore Marine Industries (ASMI), an approved Skills Assessment Centre of the Institute of Technical Education (ITE)

Dockside Tower Crane Operation

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