Tax Incentives Scheme for Noise Hazard Control
The Tax Incentives Scheme for Noise Hazard Control is a scheme that helps companies recover the cost of implementing noise control measures.
What it covers
If you are an employer, you can apply for Tax Incentives Scheme for Noise Hazard Control. This scheme provides tax incentives to help you recover the cost of implementing noise control measures in a 1-year period.
How to qualify
To qualify for the scheme, you need to implement effective noise control measures (e.g. machines, equipment, systems or devices). If you need assistance, you could engage a noise control agency or consultant to help you in your implementation.
The equipment or systems must:
- Be new (used or reconditioned items don’t qualify).
- Belong to you (rented items don’t qualify).
- Not create additional health risks, e.g. expose workers to excessive chemicals.
- Not have received financial grants from other Government agencies.
The measures need to reduce noise levels at the workplace to 82 dB(A) or less. The reading should include the noise made at the workplace and its vicinity, both indoors and outdoors.
You need to engage a certifying agency to take the readings.
How to apply
To apply for the scheme:
- Hire a certifying agency to:
- Conduct a noise assessment.
- Compile an Evaluation Report certifying that you qualify for the scheme.
- Prepare the application or certification form.
- Submit the applicant’s particulars form to the certifying agency to help them prepare the application or certification form.
- Submit these documents to MOM’s Occupational Safety and Health Division (OSHD):
- A copy of the application or certification form
- A copy of the evaluation report
- Layout plan
- Product brochures or illustrations
- Upon approval from OSHD, submit the following documents to the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) when you file your taxes:
- Application or certification form
- Evaluation report
- Relevant supporting documents, e.g. receipts
Refer to the Income Tax Act, Chapter 134, Sections 7 and 19(A) for more details.
Certifying agency
15 International Business Park
Singapore 609937
Phone: 6778 7777, 6973 6163, 8333 6187 or 9092 3362