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Response to inaccurate and misleading Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2) Article on Migrant Worker who was allegedly mistreated and illegally confined by his employer

In March 2024, Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2) published an article with inaccuracies and misinformation on the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). TWC2’s claims have cast aspersions on the professionalism and integrity of MOM officers who support and advocate for the well-being of the migrant workforce. We are clarifying the facts below.


In the article, TWC2 claimed that MOM officers had instructed Rari to continue living in cramped conditions and reinforced his employer’s restrictive instructions on his movements. This is untrue.


MOM’s investigations revealed that Rari was not illegally confined. MOM had assessed Rari’s accommodation to be acceptable, and in accordance with the existing regulations. MOM had also confirmed with Rari’s employer that there were no movement restrictions imposed on him. Rari’s employer had only requested Rari to notify him when he left the premises.


MOM had conducted a well-being check with Rari, and explained his employer’s instructions to him. During the well-being check, Rari did not raise any food, housing, or salary issues. Neither did he raise any concerns involving his employer.  


MOM did not and will not use our regulatory powers to adversely affect Rari’s well-being or his work prospects in Singapore. TWC2’s unfounded allegations seek to erode public trust and confidence in the Government’s ability to provide migrant workers with timely interventions and support.