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Written Answer by Mrs Josephine Teo Minister for Manpower to PQ on Mandatory Caregiver Leave to Care for Aged Parents



MP: Mr Christopher de Souza

To ask the Minister for Manpower whether the Ministry will consider introducing mandatory caregiver leave so that children can take leave to care for their aged parents.


  1. The Government recognises that caregiving for parents is an important responsibility, especially with Singapore's ageing population. We are committed to providing caregivers with the necessary support so that they can fulfil both their work and caregiving responsibilities.

  2. Parent care leave can be useful to take care of elderly for specific bouts of illness, but what would be more sustainable and flexible for caregivers, especially those with elderly parents with longer term needs, would be flexible work arrangements (FWAs).

  3. In a 2018 Ministry of Health (MOH) survey, employees who were caregivers provided feedback that FWAs were more important than caregiving leave in supporting them in their caregiving needs.

  4. To help caregivers, the Government and our tripartite partners have adopted a multi-pronged strategy to support caregivers by encouraging employers to adopt FWAs and strengthening support for senior caregiving in the community.

  5. Together with our tripartite partners, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) promotes the adoption of FWAs by (i) recognising progressive employers through the Tripartite Standard on FWAs, (ii) developing and sharing FWAs implementation guides, and (iii) raising awareness of FWAs through engagements and online marketing advertisements. We are also implementing the recommendations of the recent Citizens' Panel on Work-Life Harmony to enhance provision and take-up of FWAs. 

  6. Today, the vast majority of employees, including caregivers, have access to FWAs. In 2019, about 85% of employers offered some form of FWAs and this number has increased during the COVID-19 period. As of end-November, more than 8,000 companies have adopted the Tripartite Standard on FWAs, up from under 2,000 companies a year ago.

  7. The Government has also strengthened other areas of support for caregivers of seniors, including those who have to juggle between work and caregiving roles, via the Caregiver Support Action Plan that was announced in 2019. There is a range of home and community care options to help support the care and social needs of their elderly loved ones when they have to go to work. There are also various respite care options in eldercare centres and nursing homes for caregivers who need help with caring for seniors for short periods of time, including over the weekends.

  8. MOM will continue to advocate for the implementation of FWAs and work with other Ministries and tripartite partners to strengthen support for working caregivers.