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Written Answer to PQ on Assessment of workplace mental well-being initiatives and support for SMEs


MP: Mr Yip Hon Weng

To ask the Minister for Manpower (a) how has the Ministry assessed the effectiveness of existing resources such as the Playbook on Workplace Mental Well-being, the Total Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Programme and iWorkHealth in helping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) foster mentally healthy workplaces; (b) whether there are plans to enhance or expand these resources, particularly in addressing SMEs’ challenges in implementation; and (c) what further support, including financial incentives is being considered to encourage more SMEs to adopt workplace metal well-being initiatives.


1. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) assesses the effectiveness of our mental well-being resources for companies in various ways. These include tracking the adoption of workplace mental well-being initiatives and employees’ reported experience of work stress and burnout from work. We also seek feedback from industry and tripartite partners via the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council’s Mental Well-being Committee that was set up to drive adoption of mental well-being practices at workplaces. In 2023, more than 90% of firms surveyed had implemented at least one mental well-being initiative.

2. As part of the Interagency Taskforce on Mental Health and Well-being, MOM has worked with WSH Council and the National Council of Social Services to roll out a wide range of resources that support companies, including SMEs, in implementing mental well being support systems at the workplace. Companies can use iWorkHealth, a free online assessment tool, to regularly monitor their employees’ state of mental well-being and identify key workplace stressors. The Total WSH Programme provides companies with free access to intervention programmes such as mental well-being workshops. As of Feb 2025, more than 28,000 employees have access to the mental well-being workshops under the Total WSH Programme. Companies can also participate in the Wellbeing Champions Network, a platform to exchange best practices and receive subsidised training on mental well-being at workplaces. The Network currently comprises over 700 individuals from 450 organisations covering a total workforce size of 230,000 employees.

3. As these programmes have been recently launched, MOM will continue to focus on promoting adoption and monitoring take-up by companies. We will work with relevant stakeholders to regularly review the effectiveness of these programmes and further enhance them as necessary.