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Workers in Dormitories Returning to Work and Updates on AccessCode

  1. Last week, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the Inter-agency Task Force (ITF) announced the first batch of 60 dormitories cleared of COVID-19. Since then, the stakeholders – dormitory operators, employers and migrant workers – in these dormitories have been making the necessary preparations below to resume work:

    • Step 1: Dormitory operators to arrange staggered pick-up/drop-off timing with employers;
    • Step 2: Employers to confirm or update the residential addresses of their workers on MOM database; and
    • Step 3: Workers to download FWMOMCare to update health status and report residence location that matches with employers’ and dormitory operators’ records; and download TraceTogether to facilitate contact tracing.

  2. As of 9 June 2020, 40 out of the 60 dormitories have completed all steps. Some of the 5,500 residents have resumed working.

  3. For the 20 dormitories which have not completed all three steps, the delays were due to:

    Mismatches in addresses provided by employers in the Online Foreign Worker Address System (OFWAS), dormitory operators’ records, and migrant workers through FWMOMCare; and
    Migrant workers who have not downloaded the required mobile applications for health reporting and contact tracing.

  4. Forward Assurance & Support Teams (FAST) are working to assist dormitory operators, employers and migrant workers to resolve these issues.

  5. On 9 June 2020, the ITF added another 30 dormitories to the list of cleared dormitories. These comprise one Purpose-Built Dormitory, and 29 Factory-Converted Dormitories / Construction Temporary Quarters. Additionally, 14 Blocks for Recovered Workers (BRWs) in eight PBDs have been cleared. In total, there are about 8,400 residents housed in these dormitories. Employers can refer to the MOM website for the latest list.


  6. MOM and ITF earlier announced the AccessCode feature on the SGWorkPass mobile application for all work pass holders, excluding foreign domestic workers. This is to enable dormitory operators, employers and workers to check on work status of workers.

  7. We have been gathering feedback on the common issues faced when using the feature. These include:

    Workers’ SGWorkPass showing “Grey” status even though they were previously permitted to work during Circuit Breaker (CB) period. Affected employers with workers in construction sector accounts should apply to the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) for approvals to ensure that they meet the Covid-Safe restart criteria. Upon approval, it will take about one to two days for the AccessCode to be updated. Companies may email to if you need further assistance. 

    Workers’ SGWorkPass showing a “Red” status, even though they are permitted to work. These are mainly due to address errors. Employers will need to update the workers’ residential address through MOM’s online systems. It will take about one to two days for the AccessCode to be updated.

  8. Employers and workers can visit the MOM website for more information on resolving these issues. An inter-agency operation centre has also been set up to support the implementation of AccessCode and further improve the feature. Employers may email the centre at for queries.