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42 More Dormitories Declared Cleared of COVID-19

  1. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the Inter-agency Task Force (ITF) have announced 42 more dormitories cleared of COVID-19. These comprise one Purpose-Built Dormitory (PBD), 39 Factory-Converted Dormitories (FCD) and two Construction Temporary Quarters (CTQ), housing about 4,000 residents. This takes the total number to 132 dormitories and 14 Blocks of Recovered Workers in PBDs cleared of COVID-19.
  2. Dormitory operators, employers and migrant workers have to make the necessary preparations to complete all the three required steps1 before the workers can resume work. As of 15 June 2020, 67 dormitories out of 132 have completed these steps and some of the 10,000 residents have resumed working.
  3. The Forward Assurance and Support Teams (FAST) are working closely with dormitory operators, employers and migrant workers to complete all the necessary steps and clear the remaining dormitories. Employers can refer to the MOM website for the latest list of cleared dormitories and dormitories to be cleared in the coming weeks.
  4. As more blocks and dormitories are cleared, and new dormitories (e.g. Quick Built Dormitories, new CTQs) become available over the next few months, it will be possible to progressively reduce the density of migrant workers’ living space.
  5. As we continue to gradually resume work, we urge all dormitory operators, employers and workers to remain vigilant and ensure that the Safe Working and Safe Living measures are rigorously followed.


  1. Refer to MOM’s press release on 10 June 2020 for the details of the three steps.