Occupancy per room
No maximum residents per room. In practice, 12 to 16 residents per room.
No requirement for spacing between beds, mostly double-decker beds
≤ 12 residents per room
≥ 1 meter spacing between beds, double-decker beds allowed
Occupancy per floor
≤ 240 residents
≤ 240 residents, capable of being divided into self-contained sections of 120 residents
Communal facilities (e.g. cooking, dining, laundry facilities)
No segmentation required
Designed to allow segmentation for dedicated use by ≤120 residents per section
Subjected to BCA’s prevailing requirements for natural ventilation4, e.g. windows or openings to be at least 5% of the floor area of the room
Additional requirements:
≥ 1 exhaust fan per toilet
Adequate number of fans, reasonably spaced out throughout room, to provide sufficient air circulation
If air conditioning is provided in room, additional requirement, i.e. install a filter of at least MERV14 rating,to reduce transmission risks in enclosed areas
≥ 1 set of common or en-suite toilet, bathroom, sink and urinal: 15 residents
≥ 1 set of en-suite toilet, bathroom, sink: 6 residents
Isolation facility
≥ 1 isolation bed per 1,000 bed spaces during peacetime
≥ Additional 19 isolation beds per 1,000 bed spaces to be stood up during pandemics
≥ 10 isolation beds per 1,000 bed spaces during peacetime
≥ Additional 15 isolation beds per 1,000 bed spaces to be stood up during pandemics
Living space excluding shared living facilities5
≥ 3.5sqm per resident
≥ 4.2sqm per resident
Wi-Fi in common areas for residents
Wi-Fi in common areas and rooms for residents6