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Persons Earning Above $1,500 Will Not Be Eligible for WIS

  • Lianhe Wanbao (06 March 2009) : Persons Earning Above $1,500 Will Not Be Eligible for WIS 
  • Lianhe Wanbao (03 March 2009) : Why Do I Have to Refund My WIS?


Persons Earning Above $1,500 Will Not Be Eligible for WIS
- Lianhe Wanbao, 06 March 2009

We refer to the letter "Why do I have to refund my WIS?" (Lianhe Wanbao, 03 March 2009). The writer asked why, as a low income earner, he needed to return the Workfare he received for last year. 

2.   The Workfare scheme is targeted at workers who:

• are Singapore Citizens;
• aged 35 years and above in the work year;
• have worked at least three months in any six month period of the year;
• earned an average monthly income of less than $1,500; and
• live in a property with an Annual Value of not more than $10,000.

3.   Workfare is paid to eligible workers twice a year, rather than once at the end of the work year to provide them with timely financial assistance and encourage them to stay employed. The first Workfare payment is an advance payment based on the average monthly income for work done in the first half of the year. Some workers may earn more in the second half of the year resulting in higher average monthly income for the whole year and become entitled to less Workfare than what was given in the advance payment, or be ineligible altogether because their average monthly income for the whole year is $1,500 or more. We understand this is the case for the letter writer.

4.   To ensure that Workfare remains fair and helps low wage workers, the excess Workfare paid to a worker in the advance payment should be recovered. However, we would like to assure workers that any excess Workfare (both the cash and CPF portions) will not be recovered directly, but will only be offset from future Workfare that the worker may receive.

5.   We have since contacted the writer to clarify with him the criteria for Workfare.


Why Do I Have to Refund My WIS?
- Lianhe Wanbao, 03 March 2009

Didn't the government say that it will give WIS to low-income workers? I am 44 years old and have a monthly income of $1,000. I received a letter indicating that I am not qualified for WIS and I also need to return the WIS that I have received for last year. What is this all about?